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Conservation Minutes, August 12, 2014

Called to Order at 7:00 PM under M.G.L. c 131, §40 and the Hanson By-Law 3-13, §5 and Rules and Regulations by Frank Schellenger, Vice Chairman, in Meeting Room A at the Town Hall.
Present:                   Frank Schellenger, Vice Chairman
   John Murray, Clerk
                          Brad Kirlin, Member
Absent:            John Kemmett, Chairman  
                               Phil Clemons, Associate Member
Also Present:              Laurie Muncy, Agent (Ms. Muncy left at 7:10 PM to attend the Selectmen’s meeting)
  Rebecca Nehiley, Administrative Assistant                         

        Motion to approve minutes of June 24th, 2014:   Frank Schellenger
        Second:   John Murray
        Vote:  2-0-1 (Mr. Kirlin abstained)

        Motion to approve minutes of July 22, 2014:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  3-0-0
Public Hearings

7:00 PM    Continued Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation to determine the boundary of the resource area for vacant land off of Holmes Street, Map 74, Lot 8 for Joseph Mahoney, Zipline 747, LLC represented by Morse Engineering Co., Inc., 19 Union Street, P.O. Box 92, Scituate, MA  02066 (DEP #SE175-0648)  

        Mr. Terry McGovern of Morse Engineering attended the hearing.  He reiterated from the last meeting that the Commission’s consultant, Mr. John Delano, walked the line and adjusted about ½ doz. flags.  This made a slight change to the wetland line which they had depicted on the revised Plan.  The 100’ buffer zone was shown in yellow.  Mr. McGovern stressed that the applicant was only asking for a confirmation of the wetland line and that no project was being proposed.  Before his client does any work, he’s now aware of what the property can be used for because of its limitations.  Mr. Schellenger read Mr. Delano’s letter dated 8/1/14 into the record (attached) and asked for comments from abutters.  Those present were:

Mr. Robert Scott, Holmes Street – Wanted to know if everything to the west on the property was buildable.  Mr. Morse answered that at this point, only the upland has been established and that oftentimes, this was the 1st step before a proposal.  However, the applicant would have to file a Notice of Intent for any work and that abutters would be notified again at that point.
Mrs. Marion Scott, Holmes Street – Wanted to know where her lot was on the Plan and why other lots were not depicted?  Mr. Morse answered that it was not up to them to carry the delineation onto other parcels.  

        Mr. Murray questioned why the eastern portion of the lot was not delineated at the same time.  Mr. Morse answered that they were not asked to and that it would be extremely problematic to access that portion of the site.

        Motion to approve and issue an Order of Resource Delineation for the Bordering Vegetated Wetland as depicted on a Plan dated 7/23/14 with the           exception of the eastern side of Lot 8 which would require a separate delineation:  Brad Kirlin
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  3-0-0


7:15 PM  Appointment with Todd Wacome of Wynwood Associates to discuss a new storm water treatment technique

        Mr. Wacome, a contractor/developer from Andover, gave a power point presentation about a newer storm water treatment technology for the practicality of filtering catch basins (CB’s), especially during extreme storm events.  He was always interested in why the failure of using filter socks to catch sediments and particulate bound phosphorous was never addressed.  Mr. Wacome said that they don’t work, they clog up quickly and the shoulder of a road will wash right out.  He is convinced that “we’re spending money on a system that is useless.”  
         His idea is to use a cone-shaped filter inserted into the CB which seals to the lower wall and the inlet and is designed to capture gross pollutants and floatables.  It can be cleaned out cheaply with a vacuum truck or clamshell equipment. He is testing this idea with a company to manufacture the cones. He said that certain engineers are specking the design and some schools in Massachusetts are already using the technology.  Mr. Wacome is making Conservation Commissions aware of other ideas than what’s in use already.  Mr. Schellenger thanked Mr. Wacome for an informative presentation.   

Alan Dias discussion regarding 1996 Enforcement Order for property located at Ferris Street, Map 7, Lot 17

        Mr. Dias attended the meeting and informed the Commission that in trying to settle his parent’s estate, he discovered that an Enforcement Order had been recorded at the Registry of Deeds in error and was clouding the title.  He explained that back in 1996, the Hanson Board of Health had received complaints about his father’s property at Ferris Street.  His father at that time used it as a contractor’s yard and there were a lot of barrels and other debris that had to be cleaned up.  It was done so under a Notice of Non-Compliance from the Department of Environmental Protection and it was issued a Return to Compliance when it was complete.  Mr.
Dias said that there is no official mechanism for removing an Enforcement Order from the title other than a motion and a vote from the Commission with an accompanying letter.
        Mr. Schellenger asked if there was a wetland involved.  Mr. Dias answered yes, there had been a wetland, but since his father had used it as a contractor’s yard since the early 50’s (prior to the inception of the Wetlands Protection Act) the wetland had been filled.  He had been required to complete a restoration plan.  An oil tank was also removed and the groundwater had been treated.

        Motion to approve and sign a letter of Release:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  3-0-0

Estimate from The Goatscaping Company to eradicate poison ivy from the parking area at the Poor Meadow Conservation Area

        Ms. Nehiley explained that the idea for using goatscaping came from Phil Clemons to combat an area of poison ivy at the newly acquired Poor Meadow Brook Conservation Area off of West Washington Street.  The Goatscaping Co. has gotten quite a lot of press lately on TV and in the Boston Globe because their company was hired to clear a large city-owned parcel in Boston to make way for a park.  Goatscaping is a “green” method to address invasive species as an alternative to the use of chemical treatment.    
        The company, located in Halifax, will drop off 4 goats at the designated area for a week and will install 300’ to 600’ of fencing to contain them.  The goats will clear approximately ¼ acre per week.  Ms. Nehiley said that the cost can be covered by the Conservation fund.  The Commission tabled a decision until the next meeting.

Request for a Certificate of Compliance for 782 Main Street, Map 41, Lot 15 for Kathy Jo Boss  (DEP #SE175-0642)

        Motion to approve and issue a Partial Certificate of Compliance as the project is within substantial compliance with the exception of the continued             monitoring of the mitigation area and the Storm Water Management System:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  3-0-0

Request for a Certificate of Compliance for Lakeside Road, LOT 1, Map, 88, Lots 7 & 8 for Peter Del Prete (DEP #SE175-0527)  

        Motion to approve and issue a Partial Certificate of Compliance as the project is within substantial compliance with the exception of stabilization of the              site:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  3-0-0

Forest Cutting Plan at Franklin Street, Dean Property
        The Commission reviewed the Plan (dated 7/14/14) prepared by Philip B. Benjamin, CF of Benjamin Forestry Services, Inc. of South Easton, MA.  Mr. Benjamin explained that this is a Long-Term Management Plan that will achieve one or more of the following objectives:  to produce income, enhance wildlife habitat, improve recreational opportunities, protect soil and water quality.  The areas that are seasonally wet due to poor drainage were left unmarked and the remainder of the area will be worked during dry conditions in the summer and fall to minimize any impact.  

Old Business/New Business
New England Wetlands, Inc./Invoice – signed
MACC Membership Dues/Invoice – signed
MACC handbook/Invoice – signed


        Motion to adjourn at 8:20 PM:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  3-0-0